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Sponsorship & Partnership Policy

As a registered charity, Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA) relies on sponsorships and grants to generate revenue to carry out its core activities.  Our vision: improved quality of life for all Australians living with allergic disease.

Sponsorships and Grants

Sponsorships and grants complement Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia’s (A&AA) other revenue streams such as fundraising activities, advertising, donations, sales from educational material and professional consultancy services.

Sponsorships and grants may be general or specific to a resource, program or activity.

A&AA is transparent about who sponsors the organisation and the activities it engages in. All sponsors will be disclosed on the A&AA website ( and acknowledged. A&AA’s acknowledgement of sponsors/partners can take many forms, such as written acknowledgements on resources, on websites and annual reports. A&AA may disclose monetary values.

A&AA’s only consideration when providing advice is the wellbeing of those with allergies.

Sponsors will not influence A&AA’s policy positions or advice. Sponsors will have no influence over the content of resources or activities initiated by A&AA. Sponsors will not be included in the review or approval of activities or materials.

Key Principles:

  1. Achieving and maintaining public trust: the aim of our sponsorship/partnership is to achieve the best possible health outcomes for Australians with allergic disease. Sponsorship will be open and publicly transparent, while still retaining the privacy/confidentiality of the parties involved.
  2. Respect for independence: While our sponsors and partners follow the goals of mutual benefit and shared understanding, we each have different expectations. A&AA will not compromise the integrity or the independence of A&AA or others.
  3. Open Communication: A&AA will be direct and honest about what we hope to achieve.  Improving quality of life for Australians with allergic disease is at the forefront of all decisions.

Projects or sponsorship that do not advance A&AA’s vision and purpose will not be considered.

Successful partnerships and sponsorships focus on the person with allergic disease and their carers.

Sponsored Social Media, website news, email Content

A&AA provides the opportunity for suitable organisations to sponsor social media posts on our respective social media channels. Sponsored posts come in various forms; namely as direct advertisement of a product/service.  A&AA will work with a sponsor to create content that is suitable for our community.  Advertisements will be labelled ‘Sponsored Content’ at the beginning of the post, website article or email. Content may be reviewed by A&AA’s Medical Advisory Board, at A&AA’s sole discretion. A&AA retains the right to review all sponsored material prior to agreeing to post on A&AA’s social media channels and website as well as emails sent to subscribers.

Food Recalls

A&AA regularly provides updates to subscribers via e-alerts, the public via social media posts and A&AA website on products that pose a health risk to people with food allergies. This information is often received from Food Standards Australia New Zealand via state food authorities. Food Recalls and information provided from regulatory sources are communicated free of charge.

Food Alerts

Food manufacturers voluntarily approach A&AA to communicate allergen ingredient changes to our community. A product change may benefit or be detrimental to people with food allergies. A&AA considers each of these changes looking at the risks and benefits to people with food allergy.  We communicate these changes to our subscribers and social media followers, via e-alerts, website placement and social media posts. These alerts give people information that may not be acquired otherwise and reinforces the need to check ingredient labels for allergens every time a food product is purchased. Food manufacturers also approach A&AA to update subscribers and social media followers. Companies are charged a fee to communicate changes with A&AA’s subscribers and social media followers. A&AA will disclose all sponsored content in writing on each email, website food alert and/or social media post.

Research Alerts

Researchers/Research organisations approach A&AA to communicate research opportunities for recruitment and other relevant information about their research to subscribers, website visitors and social media followers via e-alerts and social media posts. These alerts give people information that may not otherwise be acquired.

All research must have ethics approval from a suitable institution.  Content may be reviewed by A&AA’s Medical Advisory Board, at A&AA’s sole discretion. A&AA retains the right to review all sponsored material prior to agreeing to post it on A&AA’s social media channels or website or placed in emails to subscribers.

Sponsored Advertisements

A&AA may provide sponsorship opportunities within such places as the A&AA e-newsletters. The placement and nature of these advertisements will be discussed with the sponsor. A&AA retains the right to review all advertising content. A&AA may choose to have advertisements reviewed by the A&AA Medical Advisory Board, at A&AA’s sole discretion.

A&AA strictly prohibits the advertising of infant/toddler formula to our community.  A&AA will consider notifying our subscriber/followers if a specialised infant/toddler formula is in short supply or has been recalled.

Any advertisement of a therapeutic good will be conducted in a manner that promotes the quality use of the product, is socially responsible and will not mislead or deceive individuals managing allergic disease. A&AA will comply with the therapeutic goods advertising code.

Consultancy Services

A&AA may provide advice and expertise about life with allergic disease to our sponsors and partners and others, where there is benefit for people with allergic disease, in sharing and learning from each other. Examples include food manufacturers, food service organisations (such as camps, restaurants), children’s services, schools and pharmaceutical companies to increase knowledge of the impact of allergic disease on the person with allergy and/or their carers. The sharing of knowledge, expertise and real-life stories is an effective way of increasing awareness, improving care and facilitating change to benefit people with allergic disease. Any material produced as a result of A&AA’s consultancy work, such as press releases and public documents will disclose whether A&AA has been paid for consultancy.

Links to third parties on the A&AA website

A&AA may choose to link to third party organisations and these links will appear on A&AA’s website. These links do not constitute an endorsement or sponsorship of these organisations or their programs by A&AA and none should be inferred. A&AA may earn referral income from these links. Where a referral income is earned A&AA will note this near the link placement.

Linking to the A&AA website

From time-to-time organisations link to the A&AA website. These links do not constitute an endorsement or sponsorship of these organisations or their programs by A&AA and none should be inferred. A&AA may earn referral income from these links for example from an app. 

Use of A&AA logo

The use of the A&AA name, logo and likeness is at the sole discretion of A&AA. Permission may be granted to use the A&AA name/logo in association with your activity and will be subject to brand guidelines. Requests for use of the logo must be made in writing and a current file of the logo obtained at that time. All material using the logo must be reviewed and approved by A&AA before final print or online publication. A&AA may ask an organisation to remove the A&AA logo if it is not displayed in accordance with the brand guidelines for use.

A&AA may provide ‘sponsorship badges’ to organisations that have committed to a certain dollar value of sponsorship for 12 months. As with the A&AA logo, the placement of this badge must be reviewed and approved by A&AA before final print or online publication.

Dated August 2024


  • Partnership Policy