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Our work
A&AA is the voice of people with allergic disease, using your lived experiences and our expertise, we advocate, collaborate and work with multiple stakeholders to achieve our vision of improved quality of life for all Australians with allergic disease.
Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA) provides guidance, support, and education to improve the quality of life of those living with allergies. We are Australia’s only national support organisation dedicated to helping individuals and carers alike in managing allergic disease. We understand the challenges that living with allergies places on individuals and families, and advocate on their behalf to improve their quality of life.
A&AA partnered with the peak medical organisation, the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA), to develop and then launch the National Allergy Strategy for Australia in collaboration with key stakeholder organisations. The National Allergy Strategy was the first comprehensive initiative in Australia that set out to improve the assessment and treatment of all forms of allergic diseases. The National Allergy Strategy is now implemented by the National Allergy Council, a partnership between ASCIA and A&AA.
A&AA works closely with government and non-government organisations to provide consumer expertise and knowledge to help shape public policy, therefore improving the quality of life and safety of people with allergic disease.
We work closely we related areas in state and commonwealth government departments, food industry, health and teaching professionals, as well as the Australian community at large
A&AA has working relationships with organisations such as Food Standards Australia and New Zealand, the Australian Food and Grocery Council, Allergen Bureau and the Therapeutic Goods Administration.
A&AA has a team of health educators who provide direct assistance to people living with and/or caring for a person with allergic disease via a free allergy help line. A&AA provides webinars and resources free of charge for patients, carers, and health professionals to develop day-to-day strategies that assist with allergy management.
Take a look at our submissions to government and regulatory bodies.
International and domestic alliances
We are part of alliances, collaborations and partnerships with like-minded organisations and work closely with a range of peak medical bodies and organisations including:
- Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA)
- Centre for Food Allergy and Research (CFAR)
- Allergen Bureau
- Founding member of the international food allergy alliance: the European Academy of Allergy
and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Patient Organisation Committee - National Allergy Centre of Excellence (NACE)
National Allergy Council
The National Allergy Council is a progression of the National Allergy Strategy and remains a partnership between the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) and Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA), working in consultation with key stakeholder organisations to progress the National Allergy Strategy. You can find our more here.
Coronial inquests
A&AA reads and shares the findings and recommendations with many to help improve allergy care.
About us
Read more about Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia, we’re a registered charity and Australia’s only national patient support organisation, dedicated to helping individuals and carers alike in managing allergic disease.
Get involved
We receive thousands of requests for support every year. We are dedicated to helping people with allergic disease to live their best life – but need your support. Learn how to get involved.