An ASCIA Action Plan is a tool to help you know if an allergic reaction is mild to moderate or severe, and it tells you how to manage the reaction. These plans have been written and developed by ASCIA, the Australasian Society of Clinical…
ALWAYS give adrenaline injector FIRST, and then asthma reliever puffer, if someone with known asthma and allergy to food, insects or medication has sudden breathing difficulty.
An allergic reaction or anaphylaxis can cause lot of stress for the people involved and sometimes people find it hard to remember what happened. Not being able to remember the details of the allergic reaction makes it difficult when talking…
Key points of what you should expect in hospital.
Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia recommends medical identification jewellery for people at risk of anaphylaxis.
Some people will experience anaphylaxis when they are by themselves. Here are some points to help you prepare.
How to call an ambulance and what to expect if you or someone you are with is having a severe allergic reaction.
Tommy’s Big Birthday eBook tells the story of the Wiggles going to their friend’s party who has food allergy.
The Jeremy’s book series is designed to teach children about how to manage daily life with food allergies.
A checklist for managing mealtimes, cleaning, activities and play for children with food allergies in childcare.
Eosinophilic Oesophagitis (EoE) is an allergic disease affecting the oesophagus, the muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach.
Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES), pronounced F-pies, is a delayed gut allergic reaction that usually occurs in the first two years of life.