Your health information can be stored as a paper record or as an electronic record.
An electronic health record is a digital file that stores your health information. It includes information such as:
- Health conditions that you have.
- When you last visited a health service or health professional.
- Medicines that you take.
- Test results.
- Allergies that you have.
Different health services such as hospitals, general practices, specialist clinics, allied health services, community health and emergency services all use different types of electronic health records. The electronic health record systems do not always connect or share information with each other and are different to My Health Record.
You can read more about electronic health records on the Australian Government website.
My Health Record
My Health Record is the Australian Government electronic health record. It is available in all states and territories of Australia.
When a health professional looks at My Health Record, they can see information about your health history, including allergic conditions, blood test results, medicines you are taking, other illnesses you have and information about any hospital stays, if this information is recorded there. They may also add information to your My Health Record.
You can ask your allergy specialist to add information about your visit or pathology results to My Health Record.
The National Allergy Council have information about How you can add allergy information to My Health Record.
The My Health Record website has information on how your health information is kept private and safe.

It is important to always have your allergy information up to date in My Health Record.
BUT… you should always tell a health professional about your allergy, even if the information is in your electronic health records.
Understanding allergy care
Learn about allergy care, seeing an allergy specialist, the Australian health system, treatment options and more.
Developed in collaboration with the National Allergy Council through funding from the Australian Government.