Need Help?


Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia receives thousands of requests for information and support every year. 

We run Australia’s National Allergy Helpline for people needing guidance and support managing allergies in day to day life. Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia also works closely with government, food industry, food service, health and teaching professionals and the community at large to advocate and educate about allergic disease.

Without your valued support – none of this is possible.

You can help people with allergic disease to live their best life by raising funds for Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia.

  • $25 can enable reporting of an allergic reaction at a food service
  • $50 enables an Allergy Educator to provide one-on-one telephone support
  • $100 helps provide awareness in schools and childcare on managing anaphylaxis
  • $250 could provide an allergy education workshop in the community

School fundraising ideas

As a student, parent or teacher – you could be an allergy champion and encourage your school to get involved with a fundraising activity.

Here are some simple ideas:

  • Host a Nail-Painting stand at school for a gold coin donation – and paint 1 in 10 fingernails a different colour, representing the 1 in 10 babies born with food allergy
  • If nail-polish isn’t allowed at your school, you could have a colouring-in competition to design the best nail-art and incorporate food visuals into the design theme
  • Hold a Mufti or dress-up day at school, or an active event like a walk-a-thon
  • Order Sweet William allergy-friendly chocolate fundraising boxes to sell (contact us for information)

Individual and workplace fundraising ideas

Whether it’s setting a personal goal, creating a team challenge or doing something fun with friends or at work, there are a variety of ways you could raise funds and help improve the lives of people with allergies. 

  • Create an online fundraising page & ask your friends, family or workmates to sponsor your efforts and help you achieve your target:
    • Set a personal goal or challenge – walk, run, swim or set an activity target
    • Adopt an allergy – give up food and drinks with common allergens to experience what it’s like managing food allergy on a daily basis
    • You can get a team of friends, family or workmates together and work on achieving a challenge together
  • Host a gathering and ask your mates to contribute a small amount
  • Organise a fun work social event that raises funds like a a trivia night, movie night or Comedy for a Cause

Visit our Fundraising Site to create your online fundraiser now.

Create your own personal or team fundraising page, and you can ask family, friends or workmates to sponsor your efforts with a tax-deductible donation. 

For more ideas or for help organising your fundraiser please contact us and we’d love to have a chat.

We’d also love for you to let us know about your activity so we can thank you!

Get involved

Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia receives thousands of requests for information and support every year. We are dedicated to helping people with allergic disease to live their best life – but we need your support to make it happen. Find out how you can get involved today and help create a brighter future for people with allergies.