Many people do not think to talk with their allergy specialist about the challenges they have around their or their child’s food or insect allergies.
Speaking to your allergist about management challenges and how careful you need to be in various life circumstances is important.
Some people have the right level of care, others are too careful and restrictive while others are not careful enough and therefore at greater risk of things going wrong.
Those with too many restrictions are often controlled by anxiety, and those with too little have a greater chance of severe reactions.
The very normal life experiences you should consider discussing with your allergy specialist include eating out, sleepovers, play dates, parties, dating, airline travel and school camps just to name a few. You may be in a situation where you and your partner disagree on how your child’s risk of anaphylaxis is managed.
Use your appointment to discuss these challenges. It is hard to figure out how much care is reasonable, how much is too much and how much is too little.
The conversation with your allergy specialist may go something like this…
“I won’t let James go on sleepovers or school camps because it is not safe for him, what are your thoughts?” or
“We don’t travel overseas because I am concerned about an anaphyalxis on the plane, what are your thoughts?” or
“Jenny won’t take her EpiPen with her when she goes out with friends, what are your thoughts?”.
These kind of conversations about behaviours that might be too restrictive or too risky are important to have with someone who knows your medical history and understands allergy management well.
Your/your child’s specialist can talk you through real risk and help with a management plan that is reasonable.
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