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Same product, same supermarket, same shelf, DIFFERENT allergens

Did you know, you can find:

  • Same product
  • Same supermarket
  • Same shelf
  • Different allergens!

As the holidays approach we often find ourselves rushing around and maybe not being as careful as we usually are. Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia want to remind people with food allergy about always checking every food package, every time.

We receive reports from the community, where the same product has been purchased but has different ingredients. Even though the name of the product and the front of the packs look the same, the ingredient contents and precautionary allergen labelling statements on the back of the packs are different.

So even if you eat a certain product all the time, never assume that it is safe. The same products, at the same store, on the same shelf, may have been made in different factories or even in different countries, so they can contain different ingredients, including allergens, and have different allergens named in the precautionary allergen labelling statement.

Remember that even when taking products from the same shelf, you need to check every packet, every time.

We advise people to check the food label of ALL packaged food at least 3 times:

1. When buying the food
2. When unpacking the food at home
3. Finally, before eating, drinking, or using the food in cooking.

For more information about reading labels click here.