Food allergen cards
Please Note: You are welcome to print and use any of these free downloadable resources. As we periodically review and update the content of our resources, we ask that you print up helpful resources as you need them rather than print and store for years at a time. We work closely with other peak organisations and aim to align our messaging in an effort to decrease confusion related to allergy management throughout Australia.
Tips for printing: Printers have different dialogs and settings for Scaling, Page Orientation, Margins etc. When you select 'Print', a dialog should appear with options and preferences for printing. Your printer should have settings for print scale, margins and page orientation (Landscape or Portrait). Always select 'Print Preview' so you can see what you'll get, in some instances you may also need to change the page orientation.
Learn more about Food allergens here
These cards list foods and ingredients that the allergen is commonly found in.
Select (or tap) card image to download the allergen card A4 PDF version.
Select (or tap) card image to download the allergen card wallet PDF version.
Information about use of materials contained on this website can be found here.
Content updated October 2021