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Webinar: Eating out with food allergy

Panel Discussion and Food Allergy Week 2024

In this panel discussion, Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia’s CEO Maria Said and trained Allergy Educators Wendy Freeman and Sally Voukelatos discuss eating out with a food allergy.  

This recording includes: 

  • A short presentation outlining useful resources and strategies to help people with food allergies reduce the risk of an allergic reaction when eating out. 
  • Answers to general questions about how to eat out more safely with a food allergy 

Webinar Details

Recorded: Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th May 2024

Note: This recording includes the recorded questions and answers from both Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th May panel discussion sessions.

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  1.  Question about teenage son eating out with nut allergy. Parent is concerned that because he is not wanting to make a fuss so he may not be doing all the checks to reduce risk.  How do you assist older teenagers who are quite independent understand the importance of taking steps to reduce risk when eating out as well as when drinking alcohol? (Watch at 22:45)
  2. Question about teenage daughter who has severe allergies to dairy and nuts and is petrified about eating out after negative experiences. How do I build her confidence in eating out so she doesn’t miss out socially? (watch at 28:12)
  3. What is an allergen maxtrix? (watch at 29:54)
  4. Can you ask the restaurant to clean the grill and section off a part of the kitchen? (watch at 34:25)
  5. What do you do if the wait staff’s primary language is not English, and they don’t understand what you are saying? (watch at 38:48)
  6. Can restaurants and cafes list the ingredients of what is in their cakes and things so people with allergies know if they can have it or not, instead of asking the waiter’s what’s in them? (watch at 41:05)
  7. If someone on a plane is eating a bag of peanuts near you, do you need to worry about those allergens being airborne if you are anaphylactic to peanuts? (watch at 44:55)
  8. Are you aware of a website or any reference location listing safe restaurants or venues for different allergies? (watch at 47:23 and 53:16)
  9. Is there a process or information when students go on student exchange to other countries? (watch at 49:01
  10. I have trouble with my daughter’s coconut allergy, venues tend to focus on her more common allergies like egg and nuts and basically forget about coconut even when I tell them it’s her most severe allergy. Any suggestions? (watch at 55:05 and 59:10)
  11. If travelling to a captive location, e.g. an Island resort, is it Ok when you ring to book and ask and inform of your allergies, they decline your booking? Or is this discrimination? (watch at 56:06)
  12. What do I do when I tell the wait staff my allergies and the staff reassure you there’s nothing in it, but then you end up having an anaphylactic reaction? (watch at 01:00:08)
  13. My son has a food allergy to eggs. I would like to know what factors should we be aware of when eating out in order to assess the risk? (watch at 01:01:05)
  14. Can you offer advice on how to manage the anxiety that comes with eating out when you or your child has severe food allergies? (watch at 01:04:02)
  15.  Are you able to share some positive experiences of dining out safely with food allergies to help us feel more confident? (watch at 01:06:13)
  16. I’m often questioned about my allergy as if I’m lying e.g. is it anaphylactic? Do I carry an EpiPen or Anapen? Is the venue allowed to ask this? Do you give them a response? (watch at 01:08:13)
  17. What specific question should I ask restaurant staff to understand their cross-contamination prevention practices? (watch at 01:13:18)
  18. What kind of support systems can be established to assist individuals with food allergies when they choose to eat out? Could partnerships between allergy advocacy groups and restaurants lead to safer dining experiences? (watch at 01:15:58)
  19. Do cafes use the same frother for all types of milk? What is the safest way to order coffee out there if you have a tree nut allergy, everywhere seems to have almond milk? (watch at 01:18:50)
  20. Should we disclose our food allergy to McDonald’s, or any other fast food company, if they have an allergen matrix? Should we avoid fast food? (watch at 01:20:13)
  21. How long do you recommend waiting after testing food to eat, before continuing to eat the meal?  My son’s allergist says that the reaction will occur within a minute, but we often wait a few minutes. (watch at 01:23:36)
  22. What are my rights as a consumer with food allergies when we are eating out and how can I advocate for them effectively? (watch at 01:26:25)
  23. Are you allowed to bring your own allergy-safe food into a restaurant, for example a parent bringing food for their child with a food allergy? (watch at 01:28:21)
  24. Should I be telling my teenager to take two EpiPens with her when eating out or is one generally adequate? (watch at 01:31:42)
  25. How can we address and incorporate cultural sensitivities into food allergy manageent, especially in diverse communities where traditional food is a significant part of the culture? (watch at 01:33:38)
  26. Any advice for eating out with children wirh muliple severe allergies, such as tree nuts, peanuts, milk, and sesame? We still haven’t eaten out. (watch at 01:37:52)
  27. What type of cuisines are known to be high risk for people with a peanut and tree nut allergy? (watch at 01:38:42).

Eating out with food allergies can be a challenge – Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia has useful resources, information and advice to help you.