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Cruising with food allergy

Holidays for people with allergies can be challenging.

Although there are no guarantees about not having an allergic reaction, cruising can be a fabulous holiday idea for people with food allergies.

Before you travel

When booking

Tell the person making your booking about your food allergy. Ask if there is any paperwork that needs to be done and sent to the cruise company before the cruise.

Ask about what food you can and cannot take from home, and if you can take your own food for shore trips when the cruise ship stops at different countries or islands.

Preparing medication and documents in advance

Ask your doctor to complete an ASCIA Travel Plan for people at risk of anaphylaxis. The travel plan is used with your ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis. Like the ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis, the Travel plan is a medical document and is signed by your doctor or nurse practitioner. It states that you need to carry an adrenaline (epinephrine) injector (such as Anapen®, EpiPen®), and your own food.

You could also consider taking a letter from your doctor/allergy specialist that lists your medical history and all prescribed medications. This can be useful if you need medical care whilst you are on holiday. Take a copy of the Event Record for Allergic Reactions so that you have a record of any reactions while travelling and can talk to your doctor when you return.

If possible, keep medications in their original package with a pharmacy label. This will make it easier when going through security and customs, it will also help if you need to see the doctors on the cruise ship. Check the expiry dates of all your medications and ensure it is after your return date. If it expires before you return, it is best to get new prescriptions and medications which will last the time of your travel.

People at risk of anaphylaxis travelling interstate or overseas should travel with their adrenaline injectors in their carry-on luggage. Usually, adrenaline injectors are not kept in their original box as the boxes are bulky and fall apart when carried with a person everywhere they go. A&AA have not had any complaints from passengers about travelling with their adrenaline injectors if they are not in their original box. People should have an ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis with their adrenaline injectors and when travelling, also have an ASCIA Travel Plan.

Travel insurance

Some travel insurance policies do not automatically include those at risk of anaphylaxis. Make sure you ask questions about this and take out a policy that protects you in case of an anaphylaxis.

See our Checklist for Travel Insurance.

What to pack

ASCIA Action Plan and medications

  • Take at least two adrenaline (epinephrine) injectors (such as Anapen® or EpiPen®). More if you can.
  • Take copies of your ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis and ASCIA Travel Plan for People at Risk of Anaphylaxis to give to the ship medical centre/hospital and childcare. Remember! Make sure you always keep a copy with your own medical kit/s.
  • Pack an adrenaline injector training device if you think you will need to teach others how to use it. For example, onboard child care workers or new friends of your teen (mark the trainer and keep separate from the real adrenaline injector).
  • Pack your medication prescriptions, as well as enough medication to last for the entire time you are cruising.

Safe food and snacks

  • Cruise cabins often have a small refrigerator so you may be able to take along appropriate snacks for both on the cruise line and shore trips.
  • Be sure to check with the cruise line what you are allowed to take on board as there are customs laws and other rules about what can be taken on and off the cruise ship.
  • Don’t forget containers with lids to store snacks.

When you board

Communicate with staff

  • Visit the doctors and nurses in the ship hospital/medical centre and share a copy of the ASCIA Action Plan.
  • Speak to the person in charge of food and drinks (Maitre’D) soon after boarding. Ask how they can help to serve your food safely. They may ask you to always eat at the same restaurant on the ship, at a set time, on a set table with the same wait staff.
  • Some cruise ships offer a tour of the kitchen (called a galley). It may help you to see how the kitchen manages food allergy meals and requests.
  • Ask if you can take food off the boat (packed by kitchen or yourself) when going off the ship onto islands. This is a safer option than island food. If this is not possible, eat a big breakfast on the cruise ship and come back on board for lunch or afternoon tea.

At mealtimes

  • Always tell staff about your food allergy at every meal. It is a good idea to use an A&AA Chef Card.
  • Ask if the appropriate allergen free meal can be brought out separately.
  • Eat in the dining room which serves meals as they are ordered. You may be able to get the next day’s menu and order 24 hours ahead. Don’t eat at the buffet as the risk of cross contamination is very high.
  • You may be able to have members of your party eat at the buffet and have the allergen-free meal brought to your table directly from the kitchen.

Be prepared in case of an allergic reaction

  • Have adrenaline injectors and ASCIA Action Plan with the person when possible. If in the pool or participating in an activity, have a shady place close by where your medical kit containing your adrenaline injectors will always be.
  • Make a family plan so everyone knows what to do if an allergic reaction happens. Discuss this soon after boarding the cruise ship.

Kids and teens

  • If you have a child attending kids club or teen club, tell the staff including the supervisor about their food allergy.
  • Take an adrenaline injector trainer device and show childcare staff how and when to use it.
  • Take a copy of the ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis and explain how to use it. Show them the list of signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction including anaphylaxis and what actions to take.
  • Be sure to take the buzzer given to you by the kids club, with you everywhere you go so you can be contacted quickly.

And when you are home … share your stories with us so we can learn and build confidence from your experience!

Travelling with allergies

Travelling with food allergies means lots of thinking, research and planning. Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia has useful resources, information and advice to help you.