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Webinar: Food Allergy Management Q&A Webinar (session 2)

During Food Allergy Week 2020 we hosted two online sessions in which our CEO Maria Said, and Allergy Educator Jody Aiken answered your questions about food allergy management.

The recording of the second session is available to watch below. Unfortunately the recording missed the first 10 minutes of this session, however the rest of the session is available.

Webinar Details

Recorded: 28 May 2020


1. Is there any link with FPIES (Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome) and coeliac? (watch at 00:01)

2. From what I understand, Victoria is the only state that has a centralised mandatory anaphylaxis reporting for hospitals. Do you think that this is something we should advocate for in all states and territories? (watch at 00:48)

3. What are the risk factors for developing a food allergy, and how can I minimise these for a second pregnancy/baby? (watch at 04:45)

4. What is the gold standard for diagnosing intolerance and allergy in infants? (watch at 09:08)

5. Is there a high chance of my baby growing out of dairy, egg and peanut allergy? (watch at 12:17)

6. What advice would you give to women with allergies having their first baby, who live remotely, when introducing solids without back up medical care? (watch at 16:00)

Read more about food allergies

Find out about food allergies, what can trigger food allergies, signs and symptoms and more.