As one of the partners of the National Allergy Council, Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA) has shared resources, knowledge and experience to help establish the Allergy Aware website. The Allergy Aware website has a school section which is full of information to help parents, carers and staff to prevent and manage anaphylaxis in schools, including Best practice guidelines for the prevention and management of anaphylaxis for schools (referred to as Best Practice Guidelines on this page). The Best Practice Guidelines for Anaphylaxis Prevention and Management in Schools were launched in late 2021. The guidelines were updated in November 2023.
Note: Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) is part of Children’s Education and Care (CEC) services rather than schools. See our childcare page for information about anaphylaxis prevention and management in OSHC.
The Best Practice Guidelines support an ALLERGY AWARE approach to reduce risk. Allergy Aware means having many things in place to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction and to recognise and treat an allergic reaction well if it happens. Reducing risk includes not sharing food, hand washing, education of staff and peers rather than banning foods children are allergic to.
Best Practice Guidelines
The Best Practice Guidelines aim to provide best practice guidance to reduce the risk of anaphylaxis in school while supporting children to participate in the full range of school life.
School – Allergy Aware

The school section of the Allergy Aware website has information and resources for:
Anaphylaxis school policies, guidelines and legislation
States and territories have government anaphylaxis policies/procedures or legislation for schools. Each state is different and unless there is legislation, Catholic and independent schools have their own anaphylaxis policies.
State schools follow government guidelines/policies/procedures, and these can be enforced. The Best Practice Guidelines are recommendations only, they cannot be enforced.