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Translated resources for travel with allergies

Translated First Aid Plans for Anaphylaxis

When travelling to non-English speaking countries, it is recommended to have important emergency information translated into the spoken language if possible.

First Aid Plans for Anaphylaxis are available in 21 languages.

Translated A&AA Chef Cards

In non-English speaking countries it can be difficult to communicate your allergy and to ask a questions about ingredients and how careful food service staff are about cross contamination while they make your food.

Translated Chef Cards are available in 21 languages. They will help you to communicate the food allergens you must avoid. They will also help you communicate how the food must be prepared. Each translated Chef Card also has a set of common phrases such as ‘I need you to call an ambulance’ that may be helpful when travelling.

The A&AA translated chef cards do not cover all languages and are not helpful if the person you give it to cannot read.

Other useful resources

The following website may be useful for food translation cards and other travel information:

Please note: This is not an endorsement by A&AA of these websites. Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA) does not endorse any independent websites, we do however let people know about them. It is up to the individual whether they choose to use them.

A&AA is a member of an international community of patient support organisations. You can see the list of countries that make up the international Patient Organisation Community here. The links to their websites will be helpful if you are travelling. You can also contact patient organisations overseas through their website.

Travelling with allergies

Travelling with food allergies means lots of thinking, research and planning. Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia has useful resources, information and advice to help you.

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