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Webinar: food allergy prevention and anaphylaxis in your baby

Webinar with peak allergy organisations increasing awareness of food allergy and anaphylaxis during World Allergy Week 2021.

While early introduction of cooked egg and peanut helps prevent food allergies developing in most babies, some will still develop food allergy. 

Dr Jennifer Koplin presents the research evidence, Dr Merryn Netting provides practical tips on how to introduce possible allergy causing foods into babies and Dr Preeti Joshi explains what signs and symptoms to look for and how to manage an allergic reaction.

The webinar facilitator is Assoc Prof Kirsten Perrett.

Webinar recorded: 15 June 2021


  1. If you have a family history of allergy or a child with allergy, how likely is it that another child will develop allergy? (watch at 43:14)
  2. Does breastfeeding and a mother’s diet during pregnancy have an impact on the development of food allergy in children? Should you avoid allergens during pregnancy or while breastfeeding? (watch at 44:24)
  3. Eczema in babies. Is it better to eliminate dairy and other common allergens from the mother’s diet to alleviate the symptoms of eczema in the newborn? Or should the mother just keep eating the diary even though it’s causing eczema? (watch at 47:30)
  4. Why does Australia have such a high prevalence of food allergy? (watch at 49:49)
  5. What do we know about probiotics that mum can take during pregnancy? Will anything help prevent allergy in her child? (watch at 52:33)
  6. What is the likelihood of my child growing out of food allergy? (watch at 53:09)
  7. Is it safe to give antihistamine to a six-month-old? (watch at 55:12)
  8. Why do some babies still develop an allergy despite early introduction of common allergens? (watch at 55:29)

About the presenters

Dr Jennifer Koplin

Dr Koplin is co-group leader of the Population Allergy group at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and Director of the Centre for Food & Allergy Research, a Centre of Research Excellence funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia.

Dr Koplin is an epidemiologist whose main research focus is on understanding childhood food allergy. She has authored more than 130 peer reviewed publications and her research findings have been incorporated into allergy prevention guidelines in Australia and internationally.

Dr Merryn Netting

Merryn is an Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian and NHMRC Early Career Fellow based at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute. 

Merryn is an experienced paediatric dietitian with over 30 years of clinical experience. Her research is focused on the long-term effects of early life dietary patterns, specifically related to prevention of food allergy. 

Merryn works closely with A&AA through her work on the National Allergy Strategy steering committee.

Dr Preeti Joshi

Dr Preeti Joshi is a paediatric clinical immunology/allergy specialist. Preeti is a Staff Specialist at the Department of Allergy and Immunology at The Children’s Hospital, Westmead and a Co-chair of the National Allergy Strategy.

Preeti has an active role in teaching and research in addition to running a busy practice in clinical allergy and immunology. Her special interest includes paediatric food allergy, eczema and allergic rhinitis.

Preeti is currently a member of the Australasian Society Allergy and Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) Council and the Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia Medical Advisory Board.

Facilitator: Assoc Prof Kirsten Perrett

Kirsten is a Paediatric Allergist/Vaccinologist at the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne and Co-Group Leader of the Population Allergy research group at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute.

Her clinical trials research program focuses on testing strategies for the prevention, early intervention and treatment of food allergy.

Read more about food allergies

Find out about food allergies, what can trigger food allergies, signs and symptoms and more.