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Webinar: transition from primary school to high school – Q&A session

Beginning high school is an exciting time for children aged between 11 and 13 years.

It can also be a little daunting for both the child and their parents as they slowly understand how high schools work.

Communication, planning and education are three vital steps to a smooth transition to high school.

Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia’s CEO Maria Said, and Health Management Educator Jody Aiken hosted an online Q&A session about managing the transition from primary school to high school.

The recording of the webinar session is available to watch below. 


  1.  How do you plan for the transition into high school? (watch at 03:28)
  2. How do most high school students carry their EpiPen on them? (watch at 11:09)
  3. How do we work with the school to plan for Food Technology lessons in year 7 and 8? (watch at 17:29)
  4. What is the risk of cross contamination when students with food allergy use the same oven as others that have used food allergens in their cooking? (watch at 23:24)
  5. How do I go about communicating my child’s food allergies with all of their high school teachers? (watch at 24:47)
  6. What strategies would you suggest to encourage your child to talk to their friends about their allergies? (watch at 32:05)
  7. How do I approach year 7 camp? (watch at 39:05)
  8. What are some resources I can provide my child to help them learn about managing their allergies?(watch at 43:13)
  9. Will there be a 250K Youth Camp this year? (watch at 46:22)
  10. If children get teased because of their allergies, how do you deal with that? (watch at 47:04)
  11. Currently, schools are not allowing parents on premises because of COVID-19. What do you suggest we do in terms of setting up a meeting with the school staff? (watch at 51:34)
  12. What should the school be doing in terms of allergy management when children have relief teachers and sport/other off-site activities? (watch at 53:09)


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