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Allergen Update: Weet-Bix Bites

Milk and Soy added to ‘May contain’ statement on Weet-Bix Bites Honey Crunch

Sanitarium have asked us to communicate an important announcement for Weet-Bix Bites fans who may be sensitive or allergic to milk and/or soy. The allergen status of the Weet-Bix Bites Honey Crunch product has been updated to reflect a new risk of cross contact with both milk and soy.

These packs now include the statement “May contain: lupin, milk, sesame, soy, tree nuts”. The previous allergen statement was “May contain: lupin, sesame, tree nuts”.

The first Weet-Bix Bites Honey Crunch products to show the new allergen labelling will be on shelf from early May. There may be some cross-over in which Weet-Bix Bites Honey Crunch products with and without milk and soy allergens are on shelves in early May.

Allergen alert flashes have been included on front and side of pack for all products that may contain these new allergens to help consumers identify this change:

The updated allergen status is a result of a change to where one of the ingredients is sourced.

The new ingredient list for Weet-Bix Bites Honey Crunch is shown in the gallery.