A&AA has been asked by the importers of Feastables Mr Beast chocolate (UCC Australia) to share the following information which reminds people with peanut allergy not to eat Mr Beast chocolate products.
A message from UCC Australia about Feastables Mr Beast chocolate:
Hello! We are reaching out with a note to reiterate that Feastables chocolate bars may contain peanuts, among other allergens, including the Milk Chocolate and Milk Crunch flavors. This is because all Feastables chocolate bars are made in a facility that also processes peanuts and why every bar has the ‘may contain’ peanuts label on it. Despite best efforts, cross contamination is always a risk and out of an abundance of caution, individuals with a peanut allergy should not consume Feastables chocolate.
Parents and caregivers should take particular care to prevent children with allergies from eating the product to safeguard against this risk. Your safety and the safety of other consumers is our utmost priority, please do not hesitate to reach out to our service team at [email protected] should you have any questions or concerns, or need further assistance.
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