Mobile first aid kits are used in workplaces where staff undertake their work away from an office building. This might include workers such as beekeepers, park rangers, miners, farmers, surveyors and school staff and students when on excursions or camp.
If these mobile first aid kits contain adrenaline injectors (EpiPen® or Anapen®), it is important to know how to store them so that the adrenaline injectors are kept out of extreme temperatures when possible and the dose of adrenaline in each device remains stable. This means the adrenaline injector will work most effectively to treat anaphylaxis in an emergency.
An ASCIA First Aid Plan for Anaphylaxis should be kept with the adrenaline injector in the First Aid Kit.
Storage issues specific to mobile first aid kits
- DO NOT leave the adrenaline injector in the car when you are not in it as the adrenaline injector can overheat or become too cold.
- DO NOT leave the adrenaline injector in a car fridge or next to an icepack as it will get too cold, and this may affect the automatic firing of the device in an emergency.
- If the adrenaline injector will be exposed to extremes in temperature (very hot/cold for many hours/days) it is best practice is to use a specially designed pouch which will keep the adrenaline injector at room temperature for a number of days, such as the Frio® or MedActiv® products.
- ALWAYS take the mobile first aid kit containing the adrenaline injector out of the car and have it with you. Keep it in the shade or the coolest place possible without refrigerating it. This will help keep the adrenaline injector at the correct temperature and ensure quick access to the device in the event of an allergic reaction.
- At the end of the workday/excursion, the mobile first aid kit should be removed from the vehicle and stored in the office away from direct heat and sunlight.
ASCIA has information on adrenaline injectors for general use.
Training devices
Adrenaline injector trainer devices (with no needle or medication) can be purchased through the A&AA online shop. It is recommended that you purchase the brand of adrenaline injector trainer that matches the adrenaline injector that you have on site. If you have both brands of adrenaline injectors on site, it is recommended that you purchase one or more of each trainer.
Adrenaline injector trainers should always be clearly identified as a trainer (put tape around the injector with TRAINER written on it) and stored away from an actual EpiPen® or Anapen®. This is so that the trainer is not confused with a real adrenaline injector in an emergency.
Related information
About adrenaline injectors
Learn more about buying, storing and using adrenaline injectors such as EpiPen and Anapen.
Emergency preparation
Learn more about preparing for an emergency, and how to identify and respond to an allergic reaction including anaphylaxis.