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Seeing an allergy specialist 

It can be a long wait to see an allergy specialist. Sometimes when you finish the appointment you think of all the questions you should have asked. This is very normal, so it is important to be well prepared for your appointment.

Preparing for your appointment

Avoid antihistamine before your appointment if possible

With most skin prick testing you should not have antihistamine (eg. Zyrtec®, Telfast®, Claratyne®) for at least three days before the appointment. Check with the clinic as some doctors prefer you avoid antihistamines for longer than three days. Taking antihistamines, before a skin prick test can effect the results of the test. If you take antihistamines before your appointment, you may not be able to have a skin prick test done on the same day.

Information to take with you to the appointment includes:

  • The referral from your GP (if you have one – this may have been sent electronically)
  • The ‘discharge summary’ if you went to hospital because of your allergic condition (if you were given one)
  • Your medicare card or details so the doctor can claim part or all of the cost of the consultation 
  • A list of any medications you are currently using. You may wish to take photos of the medication labels.
  • Photos of any allergic reactions you have had. It is helpful for the doctor to see what things like rashes and swelling looked like. 
  • Notes about your symptoms and/or reactions.
  • When did the symptoms start?
    • What were you doing?
    • How long did the symptoms last?
    • What medications (prescribed, over-the-counter and natural remedies) were you taking at the time? 
    • What (if any) medication was taken to improve the symptoms? 

You can write your own notes or use one of the forms developed by the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA)

It is important that you give the specialist as much information as possible. They will need to know:

  • Why you are seeing them
  • What symptoms you have had
  • What treatment you have tried
  • General information about your health.

This is called your clinical history.

Depending on what condition you are seeing the specialist for, there may be more detailed information the specialist may need to know:

Allergic reaction to food

  • What was eaten?
  • How much was eaten?
  • Do you have the ingredients list of what was eaten?
  • Call before your appointment to ask if the clinic wants you to bring in any suspected food allergen so they can skin prick test you with it.

Allergic rhinitis (hay fever), allergic asthma or eczema

  • List what you do to reduce symptoms (e.g. no gardening, hot washing bed linen, keep pets outside).
  • A diary of when symptoms are better/worse.
  • Ask your allergy specialist about immunotherapy (a treatment to make you less allergic) which is available for some people with allergic rhinitis.

Allergic reaction to an insect bite or sting

  • What insect caused the reaction (if known)
  • Where were you stung/bitten?
  • Have you had an allergic reaction to an insect before? If so, what insect?
  • Ask your allergy specialist about immunotherapy (a treatment to make you less allergic) which is available for some people with insect allergy.

What to expect at the appointment

The allergy specialist may

  • Ask you questions about your clinical history.
  • Examine you, look at your body, mouth, nose and eyes, listen to your chest.
  • Do some tests, such as skin prick tests. These tests may be done by a nurse in the clinic.

You could be at your appointment for a long time (at least an hour) depending on what needs to be done. You may also wait for over an hour to be seen before your appointment. Make sure you take food and toys to entertain children.

Once your specialist talks with you and has results from your tests, they will:

  • Explain if you have an allergy.
  • Talk with you about how to manage your allergy.
  • Give you an ASCIA Action, Treatment or Management Plan.
  • Talk with you about treatments, such as medicines that are available. They may prescribe an adrenaline device, such as Anapen® or EpiPen®.
  • Demonstrate with an adrenaline trainer device.

You may also see other members of the healthcare team during your appointment, such as a nurse.

Your specialist will write a letter to your GP about your diagnosis and plan for management and treatment.

Questions to ask at your appointment

Below is a list of questions most people want answered at their specialist appointment. You may have more of your own questions you wish to add. 

Management of allergic reactions 

  • Will this allergy go away over time?
  • Will my next reaction be worse than the last reaction?
  • Should I wear medical identification jewelry? Where do I get it?
  • Should I always have 2 adrenaline devices with me?
  • Where should I keep my adrenaline device?
  • Is there immunotherapy or other treatment available for my allergy?

Food allergy

  • What should I do if I accidentally eat my allergen but have no (or only mild) symptoms?
  • Do I need to remove the allergen from my house?
  • Do I need to avoid products with precautionary allergen labelling statements, such as ‘may contain’, for my allergen?
  • Should I see a dietitian to make sure my diet is giving me the nutrition I need?
  • Will I have a serious reaction if I get some of my allergen on my skin or I smell my allergen?
  • Can I eat out?
  • What about travel?

Follow-up appointments

Your specialist will tell you when you need to see them again and if you need any tests before you see them . It is helpful to keep a record of any changes in your allergic condition and of any allergic reactions for the follow-up appointment. This could include photos, symptom or food diaries, or an ASCIA record of anaphylaxis form.
You may need a new referral from your GP if the 12 month period has lapsed.

See more on allergy management and treatment options

Questions after the appointment

You might think of questions after your appointment, when you have had some time to process the information. You may be able to call or email your specialist, make an appointment with your GP, or call the National Allergy Helpline to speak with an allergy educator for help with everyday management.

Learn about allergy care, seeing an allergy specialist, the Australian health system, treatment options and more.

Developed in collaboration with the National Allergy Council through funding from the Australian Government.