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Living with Allergies

Living with allergies comes in all different shapes and sizes. We’re here to share up to date information to help you or your family member live life to the full with an allergy. From travelling within Australia or internationally, managing childcare, school or work. We are here to guide and inform you.

Newly diagnosed

Have you or a family member recently been diagnosed with an allergy? Check out our Living with Allergy Guides to learn the basics.

Babies and food allergies

When to introduce food to babies, allergic reactions in babies and more.

Preparing for an emergency

Learn more about preparing for a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and what to expect if you or a loved one experiences anaphylaxis.

What are you allergic to?

Food allergens

Other food allergens

More than 170 food are known to have triggered allergic reactions.

Environmental allergens

Insect and tick allergens